
Oyster Omelet and Bubble Tea

Have you ever been to Taiwan? Or wanting to make a trip there? Than you came to the right place! The first thing you NEED to do in Taiwan is go to a night market. You will never know what you will find there. One of the food you will find almost all over Taiwan night market is o-a-tsian (oyster omelet). When you order this, you will also need a cup of bubble tea to go with it! If you want to know the price of this, you will not believe it, the total would be aroundNT100 which is around 3 dollars Canadian! The two best drink/food in Taiwan is right in front of you!! = )


  1. That sounds kinda weird...but one day you have to make me one so I can try it - can't say it's yucky until I try it!

  2. This looks pretty good Suzy-Q...I believe I had one with you last summer haha

  3. Yum! O-a-tisan are delicious :)
    great blog
