
So You Think You Can Dance Taiwan Version

Have you ever watched So You Think You Can Dance on TV before? Well, you can continue in Taiwan by watching the Taiwanese Version. 舞林大道

It includes many different dance crews, Black Angle Crew (黑角), Dance Flow, Maniac, Freaky Klownz and many many more. The show allows different dance crews to show the world their dance skills and their love for dancing. Also, they have combined Dancing With the Stars into the show. Where they invite different stars onto their show and perform a dance with the dance crew. Some of the stars that was invited are Gui Gui (鬼鬼), Elmo, 彤彤, HuDie/Butterfly (蝴蝶姐姐), Choc 7 (模范七棒), and many more.

This is a youtube video of one of the best dance performance.


The Night Life of Taiwan

Once you have been around Taiwan for awhile, you would soon realize the night life of Taiwanese people. During the summer, the days are always hot and uncomfortable. This is why the people chose to spend their days inside and their nights out where the weather isn't so hot. Because of this reason, there are many night markets that doesn't close until one in the midnight.

One of a famous night market is Shilin Night Market (士林夜市) where there are places to shop and places to eat. It is usually crowded with people, cars and motorcycles(scooters). One of the scene you might see in Taiwan is a parking lot FILLED with motorcycles(scooters). This is not a surprising scene. People in Taiwan believe riding on motorcycles(scooters) are more efficient and less polluting than driving a car.

Also, there are many stores, resturants and theaters that are still open for those "night owls" in Taiwan. There are also karaokes that would keep these young "night owls" entertained.


太魯閣國家公園 (Taroko National Park)

If you are traveling around Taiwan, if you don't go to The Taroko National Park than it means you have never been to Taiwan. The Taroko National  Park is one out of seven national parks in Taiwan. It spans the counties of Hualien (花蓮), Taichung (台中), and Nantou (南投) on the island of Taiwan. Sights include:
  • Tunnel of Nine Turns (九曲洞 Jiuqü Dong)
  • Eternal Spring Shrine (長春祠 Changchun)
  • Swallow Grotto(燕子口)
  • Jinheng Park (靳珩公園)
  • The Bridge of the Kind Mother (慈母橋)
  • Tiansiang (天祥)
  • Jhueilu Precipice (錐麓斷崖)
  • Lioufang Bridge (流芳橋): 1,666 meters above the riverbed
  • Hill of Yu the Great (大禹嶺)
  • Buluowan (布洛灣)


龜山島 (Gueishan Island、Steep Island)

龜山島 (Gueishan Island) is shaped like a turtle which it is named a "Turtle Mountain Island".It is located in the north east of Taiwan.  The island is the top of an andesite stratovolcano which rises from the seafloor. It is the only active volcano in Taiwan. The local population, consisting mainly of fishermen, was relocated in 1977 due to the hardships associated with living on the island. Between 1977 and 2000 the island became the site of a military base, and currently it is managed as a tourist destination and natural conservation area. Before going to the island you could join a dolphin crew which will take you to a dolphin seeing adventure!

Helpful Website

This is a really helpful website that would list out different attractions and festivals in Taiwan therefore you would be able to have some knowledge about Taiwan. =]

(also, if you would like to read it in Chinese just change the language. There's even Japanese!)


Channel [V]

Have you ever turn on the TV in Taiwan and doesn't know what to watch? Will I have a suggestion for you~ Change to channel 81 and you will find Channel [V]. It's a channel filled with the most popular music around the world, for example the famous singers/bands in the America, Korea, China and Taiwan. Also, Channel [V] provides many different show like 音樂飆榜 (Ying yue biao bang), 美少女時代 (mei shao nu shi dai), 流行 In House (liu xing in house), 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 (wo ai hei se bang bang tang) and many more. Each show have a different host, 劉容嘉 (Candice Liu Rong Jia) and 路嘉怡(Lu Jia Yi) are the hostesses for 流行 In House (liu xing in house). 黑人(Blackie) is the host for 我愛黑澀棒棒堂 (wo ai hei se bang bang tang) and 美少女時代 (mei shao nu shi dai). 

There are past shows like 模范棒棒堂(Mou Fan Bang Bang Tang) which created a group of 6 young male singers called 棒棒堂 (Lollipop) and another group of 7 male singers called 超克7 (Choc 7). Both groups are very popular and successful.